The Million Dollar Duck is a documentary that focuses on the strange and wonderful world of the Federal Duck Stamp Contest, the only juried, art competition run by the U.S. government. This film explores the eccentric nature of the contestants who enter each year for a chance at wildlife art stardom, while also reflecting upon the history and challenges facing the continued exi...
The Million Dollar Duck is a documentary that focuses on the strange and wonderful world of the Federal Duck Stamp Contest, the only juried, art competition run by the U.S. government. This film explores the eccentric nature of the contestants who enter each year for a chance at wildlife art stardom, while also reflecting upon the history and challenges facing the continued exi...
名称 | 下载 | 大小 | 发布于 |
The.Million.Dollar.Duck.2016.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG | 1.11GB | 2 年前 | |
The.Million.Dollar.Duck.2016.1080p.DSCP.WEBRip.AAC2.0.x264-playWEB | 2.88GB | 2 年前 | |
The.Million.Dollar.Duck.2016.1080p.DSCP.WEBRip.x264-RARBG | 1.21GB | 2 年前 | |
The.Million.Dollar.Duck.2016.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-ISA | 5.01GB | 2 年前 | |
The.Million.Dollar.Duck.2016.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG | 1.36GB | 2 年前 |
午夜归来:比利·海斯与土耳其的故事(2016)Midnight Return: The Story of Billy Hayes and Turkey
我们诞生在中国(2016)Born in China
Off the Rails(2016)Off the Rails
Growing Up Wild(2016)Growing Up Wild
Unearthed & Untold: The Path to Pet Sematary