艾里克·巴弗尔 (1977) Eric Balfour
演员 导演 配音 制片人 编剧
Eric Balfour is a true Angelino, one who embraces everything the City of Angels has to offer. As a lover of the ocean he is an avid surfer and supports many environmental causes. His charitable endeavors
include Surfrider, Oceana and Sea Shepard. As a lover of fashion he's built an incredible sustainable clothing company Electric & Rose
made in Los Angeles with his wife Erin. Its namesake is an homage to the cross streets in Venice where they called home. And lastly his
acting which he may be most known for. As a creative force in both film and TV, Balfour continues to play interesting and captivating
characters. He will next be seen in the Amazon series Wilderness. He was last
seen in the Paramount Plus series The Offer. Other notable roles include the acclaimed Six Feet Under, 24, Ray Donovan, Haven,
Country Comfort and many others.
On the big screen, Balfour can be seen in a laundry list of films among a whose who of Hollywood. Notable films include Texas
Chainsaw Massacre and indie and award winning films like Quention Tarantino's Hellride Ariel Vromen's RX and Clement Virgos Lie With
Me. Balfour lives in Los Angeles with his wife Erin his two sons Oliver and Romeo and his dog Coconut. When not on set you can find him at the beach with his family.