克里斯蒂安·卡赫曼 (1972) Christian Kahrmann
Christian Kahrmann started his acting career at the early age of 8.
Born in Cologne, Germany he starred in numerous movies and series till
the age of 13, when he landed one of the leading parts in Germany's
oldest (and still running) series 'Lindenstrasse' in 1985, which
brought him nation-wide popularity over night. In 1993 Kahrmann left
the series after 7 ½ years and decided to set forth his work in new
projects that became famous in Germany like 'Und Tschüss!', 'Das ist
Dein Ende', 'Tatort: Bildersturm', 'Victor-Der Schutzengel' and
recently 'Ratten - Sie werden Dich kriegen!' which earned the highest
ratings of the year for its broadcasting station Pro7. German
Moviegoers remember him well from feature cult-classics like 'The first
Semester' or 'Bang, Boom, Bang!' (aka 'Underdogs'). In 1995 Kahrmann
moved to New York where he studied acting at the renowned Herbert
Berghoff-Studio with Salem Ludwig and Edward Morehouse. In 1996 he
joined with his fellow students Ronald Marx and Jarreth Merz to found
'German Theater Abroad, Inc.', a New York based production company that
seeks to produce and promote contemporary German drama in English
translation on American territory.
Kahrmann now commutes between Berlin and New York and is currently working on new feature films and for the theatre in Germany.
Kahrmann now commutes between Berlin and New York and is currently working on new feature films and for the theatre in Germany.