维克多·弗莱明 (1889) Victor Fleming
导演 摄影 制片人 副导演 编剧
Victor Fleming entered the film business as a stuntman in 1910, mainly
doing stunt driving - which came easy to him, as he had been a mechanic
and professional race-car driver. He became interested in working on
the other side of the camera, and eventually got a job as a cameraman
on many of the films of Douglas Fairbanks. He soon began directing, and his first
big hit was The Virginian (1929). It was the movie that turned Gary Cooper into a star
(a fact Cooper never forgot; he and Fleming remained friends for life).
Fleming's star continued to rise during the '30s, and he was
responsible for many of the films that would eventually be considered
classics, such as Red Dust (1932), Bombshell (1933), Treasure Island (1934), and the two films that
were the high marks of his career: Gone with the Wind (1939) and The Wizard of Oz (1939). Ironically
Fleming was brought in on both pictures to replace other directors and
smooth out the troubled productions, a feat he accomplished
masterfully. His career took somewhat of a downturn in the '40s, and
most of his films, with the exception of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941), weren't particularly
successful. He ended his career with the troubled production Joan of Arc (1948),
which turned out to be a major critical and financial