菲尔·布朗 (1916) Phil Brown
演员 导演 制片人
Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Phil Brown was the son of a doctor
whose work took the family all around the country. After majoring in
dramatics at Stanford University, Brown played some of his earliest
stage roles as part of New York's Group Theatre. When it folded, he and
other Group Theatre vets headed to Hollywood, where Brown worked in
motion pictures and helped found the fabled Actors' Laboratory. His
association with the Lab came back to haunt him later in the decade,
when its members fell under the scrutiny of the House Un-American
Activities Committee, and Brown was eventually compelled to relocate
with his family to England, UK. Overseas he was able to resume acting
on stage, TV and films; he also directed for the stage and TV. He
returned to the U.S. in the 1990s and made the rounds of autograph