约翰·弗兰克海默 (1930) John Frankenheimer
导演 制片人 副导演 演员 编剧
Born in New York and raised in Queens, John Frankenheimer wanted to
become a professional tennis player. He loved movies and his favorite
actor was Robert Mitchum. He decided he wanted to be an actor but then he
applied for and was accepted in the Motion Picture Squadron of the Air
Force where he realized his natural talent to handle a camera. After
his military discharge he began a TV career in 1953 convincing CBS to
hire him as an assistant director, which consisted mainly working as a
cameraman at that time. He eventually started to direct the show he was
working on as an assistant director. Frankenheimer still didn't want to
direct films. He liked to direct live television, and he would have
continued to do it if the profession itself hadn't cease to exist. He
first turned to the big screen with The Young Stranger (1957)
which he hated to do because he thought he didn't understand movies and
wasn't used to work with only one camera. Disappointed his with first
feature film experience he returned to his successful television career
directing a total of 152 live television shows between 1954 and 1960.
He took another chance to move to the cinema industry, working with
Burt Lancaster in The Young Savages (1961) ending up becoming a successful filmmaker best known
by expressing on films his views on important social and philosophical