德克斯特·戈登 (1923) Dexter Gordon
Dexter Gordon was considered one of the greatest jazz saxophonists
ever, During his heyday, namely `45-`80, he played tenor sax with many
of the all-time jazz greats, including Lionel Hampton, Louis Armstrong,
Billy Eckstine and many others. In the 60s, he left his vices behind
and created some wonderful music. He played in Europe extensively where
he was very popular and lived there for the most part during the 60s
and the early to mid 70s. Around 1977, he returned to America and made
some well-received records. Round Midnight was his only feature role,
playing a character not unlike himself, for which he was nominated for
an Oscar. He has influenced subsequent generations of musicians with
his artful approach to jazz. His feel and subtle nuances are sorely
missed in the world of jazz.